Reply To: high pitch cancellation in microphone

Hello David Liao,
Thank you for the video. Hopefully you can help me as I figure this out.

1. I followed the instructions. (windows 11)
more sound settings
recording tab
double click the microphone you want to use: (i.e. headset microphones realtek (r) audio)

Here is where I get lost in the maze of technology:
can not find :
advance tab
or signal or enchancement or a box labelled “enable audio enhancements” I can not find anything remotely related to these words or similar words etc. Thje video directions leave me high and dry after I double click th microphone. after that I can not related to the instrucitons on video. It tells me my microphone is working–well it is until I sing or hummm…..just cancels out the sound. Then comes back immediately with my talking voice.

my headset is a gaming one: Hyperx Cloud III.

Thank you for any help you can give me.

Dale Clark