Urgent — FP 1.3 issues for auditions

  • Thank you for your message. We don’t know of any issue with FarPlay 1.3 that would cause distorted crackly sound. Were the audition team members able to hear each other clearly?

    Please let the candidate know that it’s best if everyone is on Ethernet, with Wi-Fi turned off. Check that each participant’s Ethernet connection is directly from their computer to their main router (where the internet signal first comes into the home). Even if the candidate can’t connect by Ethernet, make sure everyone turns off VPN, if used. For more details about troubleshooting connections, visit the Troubleshooting section at our FAQ at https://farplay.io/faq, scroll down to the category Latency is too high, and click on Part 1: Troubleshoot your computer’s connection. Try this first!.

    Is the person auditioning for the chorus using built-in audio on a Windows PC? If so, ask them to make sure they’ve turned off “Signal Enhancements” for their microphone in their Windows Sound Control Panel, and have them set their Audio Buffer Size to 480 (10 ms) (for some PCs, this setting gives cleaner audio and latency that is lower and more stable). For more details, go to the version of our Troubleshooting guide for Windows users using built-in audio at https://farplay.io/faq/?os=win&audio=internal and check out the category Audio is distorted or stops working.

    The safest thing to do (takes care of most of the concerns above) would be to have the candidate open the QuickStart guide at https://farplay.io/quickstart, click the buttons under Step Zero: Choose Your Setup, as needed, and work through the steps on that page. Section 3. Configure and test your audio lets the candidate make sure their audio is working before connecting to anyone else.

    Thank you,
    David Liao

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by David Liao.
    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by David Liao. Reason: inserted "most of" in "takes care of most of the concerns above"

    Hi David — after having trouble with auditions, two of the audition team (FarPlay veterans) connected only with each other. We heard similar (though not quite as bad) issues with the sound quality — crackling of audio and some pixellation of video. We both have Macs and Ethernet connections of at least 500 Mbps. We have separate plugged-in mikes and use headphones. It’s possible there are some fluctuations in Internet service quality, so we will try again today or tomorrow.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by CBC.

    Thank you for the update. I’d double-check to make sure that VPN is turned off, if used. I’ve seen VPN make video quality really poor. VPN is often used to connect to workplace networks.

    If the audition team runs into poor connection quality while testing version 1.3 again, have them see whether the same problem happens when they install older version 1.2.7 from https://github.com/FarPlayIO/farplay-bin/releases/download/v1.2.7/farplay-1.2.7-1339.dmg.

    Thank you,
    David Liao

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