New User-“Need to add time…” Can you help me?

  • It sounds like you reached the page below after clicking the Log in / Subscribe button in the FarPlay app.

    If you’d like to authorize your device to use subscription benefits (listed at, click one of the Subscribe buttons at the left (1st month free). Once you’ve started a subscription, click the Log in / Subscribe button in the FarPlay app, and then click Authorize this device (see

    If you’re just trying out your setup, you can just click New Session or Join Session without starting a subscription (you don’t have to click the Log in / Subscribe button). We have instructions for getting started without a subscription at Note: in “free mode,” sessions you create are limited to 45 minutes and to two people (you + someone else).


    Thank you, David! Is the ‘free mode’ something that I can access more than 1 time?

    Yes. The free mode has no expiration date.

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