FarPlay is free to download and use at the FarPlay Free level.
Please subscribe to access advanced features like unlimited session length, multitrack recording, multi-user sessions, and more.
FarPlay 1.3.1 was released March 8th 2025. Release notes.
Previous FarPlay releases can be downloaded here.
By using FarPlay, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service.
Note for Windows:
Starting with version 0.3.7, FarPlay supports native Windows audio devices, so you can use FarPlay immediately with your computer’s integrated audio device, without any additional downloads. FarPlay also supports ASIO devices and drivers, which will give you the best possible latency. We have more information on optimizing your Windows setup here.

Note for Linux:
Starting with version 1.3.0, the main FarPlay deb package requires Ubuntu 22.04 LTS / Debian 12 or newer versions of Linux. For older Debian-based distributions, please use the deb-qt5 package or the tgz package.
For the best latency on Linux, use an ALSA audio device or JACK. JACK should be configured to run at 48kHz to work with FarPlay. Also, the buffer size in Preferences is ignored when JACK is used; FarPlay will use jackd’s Frames/Period value instead. PulseAudio devices generally have higher latency than JACK or ALSA, but might be good for Broadcast Output or less latency-critical uses.